Monday, May 16, 2011

Yes, I will be using cloth diapers!

Yes, I will be using cloth diapers on my daughter.
No I don't care if you think it's gross, expensive, hard, stupid, or anything else.
It's my baby's butt and I'll cover it how I want.

I've been getting scrunched up noses, the jaw drop, the "Why would you do that?"
People think I'm crazy, they think it's gross. They tell me that they are not going to use cloth diapers when she is at their house. (well then I guess my daughter won't be staying at your house!)

I have a stash of cloth diapers at my house and that is what I will be using most of the time.
I can't say that I will never put on a disposable diaper, but I can say that for 90% of the time, my daughter will be wearing cloth diapers.

bumGenius- This is my favorite diaper.
The diapers look just like disposable diapers! They are All In Ones (AIO) They go on just like a disposable diaper and when soiled, you just take it off like a disposable diaper, the only difference is that instead of throwing it away, you wash it. What's so hard about that?

This is an Angel Bottom Diaper

The Angel Bottom diapers are purchased from a Stay-at-Home Mom who makes them.
They are $7.00 a piece! That's not expensive at all! And I'm helping another mother be able to stay at home with her children.

Aren't these a lot cuter than the ugly old disposable diapers?
Cloth diapers are made from organic materials such as cotton. On the other hand disposable diapers contain  sodium polyacrylate, this is the same material that was removed from tampons on the 1980's because of it's link to toxic shock syndrome. (hmmmmm, don't want that on my baby's butt!)

It is estimated that around 5 million tons of untreated waste is deposited into landfills via disposables every year. I really don't want to be a part of all that waste.

I could go on and on in this cloth diaper post. But I'll stop here.
My decision to use cloth diapers is one that I am proud of and one that I feel strongly about.
I'm not trying to convince you to switch, I'm just telling you some of the reasons of why I'm using them.

If you want to know more, or have questions there are lots of websites out there.


  1. Saw your comment on B&B and wanted to stop by and say hi. I love cloth diapers. If and when we have a little one, we will be using bum genius diapers. They are great! Many blessings to you as you start your parenting adventure!
