Friday, April 8, 2011

Things You Shouldn't Say To A Pregnant Lady

There are some things that you really should not ask or say to a pregnant woman.
It seems like people forget all manners when speaking to a pregnant woman.
Remember that we are hormonal and tired and not responsible for things we may say back to you. We are also not responsible for throwing things at your head.
Here is a list of a few things that maybe you shouldn't say. And a few responses that I have either said, or really want to say!

What'd you do? Swallow a watermelon seed?
Really? Do you know how dumb that sounds?

You have a 17 year old and a 14 year old and you're pregnant again? Are you crazy?
I usually respond with "No, I just had to have my babysitters first."

You look like you are about to pop.
Gee, thanks.

Can I rub your stomach?
Sure, right after I rub yours!

Are you sure it's not twins? Maybe there's one hiding in there.
And maybe your brain is hiding somewhere! After 4 ultrasounds, I'm pretty sure it's not twins!

Was it planned?
Oh my gosh, I figured it was an accident.
Yea, I bet you were an accident.

How much weight have you gained?
How much weight have YOU gained?

Another girl? Well, you can always try again.
Why? Did I do it wrong this time?

What's wrong, can't you have boys?
Well, I'm not sure, let me ask God.

You look tired.
That's just a nice way of telling me I look like crap!

Do you have any stretch marks?
Sure do, wanna see? 

You haven't had that baby yet?
Does it look like I have?

Sleep now, because you won't be able to when the baby gets here.
What's that mean? Can I store up my sleep so I won't be so tired later?

After asking what the name is, "I don't like that"
Oh no! Guess I have to change it now!

This is just a list of some things you shouldn't say. 
Please think before you speak!


  1. ha ha! I love it! I look 6 months preggo and I'm only 12 weeks! I dare someone to say something to be about it too! LOL! We need to make a T-shirt with those on there and wear it around the mall! :D How are you feeling these days? other than tired. I know tht feeling.

  2. I know! T-shirts would be great!
    I'm feeling ok. So ready for the baby to be here!

  3. I love all of these! I definitely have hated the "are you sure it's not twins?"
