Monday, March 14, 2011

My mom has cancer

We found out that my mom has breast cancer.

There I said it. My mom has cancer.
I guess it's an easy thing to say, and a hard thing to believe.

On March 21, she will have a mastectomy and have her lymph nodes removed. After the surgery they will test everything and decide if she needs chemo or not.

It's funny. I've seen the pink ribbons everywhere, I've seen all the walks for awareness. I've seen the bumper stickers, and I've even bought something in pink just because some of the money went toward breast cancer awareness. But I didn't know anything about breast cancer until now.

I'll update more after we know more.
Please keep her and our family in your prayers.


  1. I am so sorry to hear that. I will keep her in my prayers along with your sweet family. :;:::hugs::::::
