Monday, August 23, 2010

Getting out of debt.

Micah and I have decided that we want to be debt free. Of course we will still have our house note, but other than that NO NOTES!

So we are cutting back and putting extra money on our notes. (not fun!) We are going to get rid of our vehicle notes by selling the vehicles we have financed and opting to drive cheaper vehicles that we can pay cash for. And we are going to follow a strict budget until we get it done.

Well the other day we sat down to go over our budget and while going over our bills we kept looking at the dreaded cell phone bill. It's high! But it's high because we both have Iphones with the $30 a month per phone data plan. We can save $60 a month if we get rid of the Iphones. So that's what we've decided to do. But we are both dreading getting rid of them. We are Iphone addicts! I keep saying it's not a big deal until I realize how often I'm on that thing. I can even get coupons on it! But we are following a plan and the first step of the plan was getting rid of unnecessary expenses. Why does the first one have to be the hardest?

I wonder if there are meetings for recovering Iphone addicts?

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