Thursday, August 26, 2010

My new phone

So I got rid of the IPhone. Not paying a $30 a month data plan is going to be so nice!
I ended up getting the Motorola Backflip. It has a touch screen like the Iphone so I kinda like that. It's not an Iphone but it's a very cool phone. Good part of it is that you can order it through Amazon for only a penny!

It's my first Android phone so I'm trying to get used to that.

My Uncle Richard has Skype and we are trying to set up a video calling on the phone so he can talk to my grandparents through it. It's not working out too well. If anyone has any ideas let me know!


This did not last long. I realized that I can not live with out my Iphone!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Getting out of debt.

Micah and I have decided that we want to be debt free. Of course we will still have our house note, but other than that NO NOTES!

So we are cutting back and putting extra money on our notes. (not fun!) We are going to get rid of our vehicle notes by selling the vehicles we have financed and opting to drive cheaper vehicles that we can pay cash for. And we are going to follow a strict budget until we get it done.

Well the other day we sat down to go over our budget and while going over our bills we kept looking at the dreaded cell phone bill. It's high! But it's high because we both have Iphones with the $30 a month per phone data plan. We can save $60 a month if we get rid of the Iphones. So that's what we've decided to do. But we are both dreading getting rid of them. We are Iphone addicts! I keep saying it's not a big deal until I realize how often I'm on that thing. I can even get coupons on it! But we are following a plan and the first step of the plan was getting rid of unnecessary expenses. Why does the first one have to be the hardest?

I wonder if there are meetings for recovering Iphone addicts?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Coupon Deal Alert!

Just thought I'd let you all know about an awesome coupon deal!

CVS has Sobe Life Water on sale Buy one Get one Free.
If you go to Sobe Head's or Tails, you can print a coupon for Buy one Get one Free Sobe. Use it with the CVS deal for 2 free Sobe's per coupon! You can print the coupon 2 times daily up until September 13!

I've been stocking up on these! They are normally around 1.79 a piece. My kids love them!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Living Room Window

As most of you know Micah and I bought an old house and we have been re-doing the house since we moved in.
All of the windows in the house are the old sash-weight windows. Well the previous owner of the house thought it would be a good idea to paint all of the windows shut. Most of the windows probably haven't been opened in 10 years! Nice huh!

So since we've moved in we have been working on getting all the windows open. It's not as easy as you think.

Well this weekend I decided that this one window in the living room just had to be opened. But Micah was working so I was going to have to do it myself. So I grabbed a razor knife and went to work.(let me back up and say that Jordyn had to show me how to get the razor out. ha!)
When that seemed to not work I decided that the trim on the window had to be taken off so that the window would open. I told Jordyn to grab me the crow bar. Well my daughter decides that this may not be the best idea. She throws her hands up in the air and says "I want no part of this. Micah is not gonna be happy about this and I'm not getting in trouble for it." She then takes off to her bedroom and leaves me to fix the window alone.
Well guess what? I got the window open!

So I yelled for Jordyn and showed her that it worked and there was no shattered glass! I was so excited that I took a picture and texted it to Micah. I wrote.
"Living room window open! I'm so smart!"

Well now the window was open and the heat index was 110 outside so I needed to shut the window. This did not go so well. As I pulled the window down I hear a loud thump. The stupid rope holding the weight was dry rotted and broke in two!

So my next picture and text to Micah went like this.

"Living room window broken. I'm not that smart. :) Love you baby!"

Notice the "Love you baby!" hee hee hee.

This house has been nothing but an adventure since we bought it!