Friday, July 16, 2010

A Blog

So I've started a blog.

What is a blog anyway?

The Web definition of a blog is "a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies; "postings on a blog are usually in chronological order"

Wow! An on-line diary? When I was a kid I had a diary with a lock on it. I would write in it and lock it up for no one to ever see. Now I'm writing on the internet for the whole world to see! Times sure have changed. But this seems different. When I wrote in my diary I knew that no one was reading it, so I wrote what ever I wanted to. Now that I'm writing knowing everyone can read it, what will I write? Do you pour your heart out and let all your thoughts and feelings be laid out for the world to see? Do you write it all down and then backspace it all out realizing that you don't want the world to know that you were even thinking that?

When Anne Frank kept her diary she poured out all her thoughts and feelings thinking that no one would ever read them. She probably thought that no one would even be interested in what she was writing. Now her diary is a best selling book that has been translated into 60 different languages, and made into movies. If she knew that the world would have peeked into her life so personally would she have wrote down anything differently. Would she have kept her secrets inside herself or would she have shared them with the world openly?

As I begin my blog I have that to think about that. Do I share my thoughts freely or do I just share what I want people to know. Do I write about day to day life, or do I write about what I'm feeling? I guess only time will tell how much I want to share, or if anyone is even interested in what I have to say. Lord knows I have an opinion on just about everything, so there will be much to say!

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