Friday, May 4, 2012

Alex's House Fire

So like I said Alex moved out of our house.

On April 30, my phone rang and I didn't recognize the number, so I almost did not answer it. I'm so glad I did because on the other end I heard my daughter yell "MOM" in a panic!
My heart sank as I heard her say that the house was on fire!
After hearing that she was ok I took off out of my house and headed to her. I knew she was alive but I didn't know if I believed she was ok! I kept thinking of smoke inhalation, burns etc!

It was the longest drive from Lake Charles to Lebleu Settlement where the house was! I was in a panic the whole way. I started seeing the smoke rising above the trees about 10 miles away from the house!

When I got to the area of the house, of course I couldn't get in because the road was blocked with the rescue vehicles. I park and got out and ran. I could see the smoke rolling out of the house. When I saw her walking toward me, my heart soared! I gave her a big hug and looked her over. She was fine! But she was in shorts and a t-shirt and barefoot! Her eyes were wide open in shock and she looked at me and said "Everything I have is in there!"

All of her things from her cell phone, down to her shoes were in the house. She was very upset with losing her things, and I am so upset for her. But we are very thankful that her and the other family members in the house are ok!

This is what's left of the house.

The fire was still burning the next day!
This was Alex's room.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My how my daughters have grown!

The girls have grown so much since my last post! Let me give a quick update!

Alex is now 18! She graduates on the 21st! She is very excited.
She decided to move out! So she is off living away from mommy! :(

Jordyn will be 16 in September. 
She's working hard at school trying to reach her goal of attending LSU after graduation.
The other beautiful girl in the photo is her best friend Cierra. She's with us so much I consider her my 4th daughter!

Adrian will be 1 next month!
I can't believe it, it seems like she just arrived! She's growing so fast and doing so much.

Horrible Blogger

Wow! I am a horrible blogger!
I haven't posted since September 2011!
Geez. I have a lot of catching up to do!

I guess my next few posts will be filling ya'll in on what's been going on!

And I will do better!
I am challenging myself to post at least once a week!