Friday, January 7, 2011

The Bathroom Remodel

So I woke up one morning and decided that I was going to remodel the hall bathroom.
As with everything in this house, this seemingly simple project has turned into a full blown nightmare! AAAHHHH!
The project started while I was on Christmas Vacation and is still going on. Hopefully this weekend I'll finish it up.

The demolition of the bathroom took 3 days! I thought the whole thing would be done in 3 days!
Ha! Stupid me!

I forgot to take a "before" picture. So here's one when we just got started.
Everyone likes to help demo. It's the fun part!
We found ceramic tile under the ugly vinyl. Anyone out there know how to restore old ceramic tile?

Alex gets the job of uncovering the tile! Kao just likes to get in the way!

Hopefully I'll post the "after" pictures soon! This project just keeps getting bigger and bigger!