Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We finally did it!

I found out I was pregnant on September 28! Well I guess it was really the 27th but I didn't believe it until the 28th! :)

I kinda had a feeling and decided to do a test. I had a bunch of the Internet cheapie tests that came free with my Clear Blue Fertility Monitor so I took one of those. Well I thought I saw a line. But I wasn't sure. I looked at it for a long time trying to determine if it really was a line or if my eyes were playing tricks on me.

It was just Jordyn and I at home so I ran and got her to look at it.
Our conversation went something like this:
Me: Jordyn don't freak out but do you see a line on this?
Jordyn:(grabs test) yes I see a line. What is this?
Me: It's a pregnancy test. Are you sure you see a line?
Jordyn:(jumps away from test) Oh my God! Did you pee on that thing?!?!?

Well she saw a line too and I told her it was probably wrong not to get excited.

Well I didn't believe that test so later on I took another test. Again I saw a pink line. This time Alex was home so I called her. And yes she saw the line. Did this convince me? Nope!

The next morning I took another test. And yes once again I saw a line. Right after I took this test Micah came in from work. I called him in the bathroom and asked him if he saw a line. He said yes. So I took the out the other two tests and he said he saw lines on all three. Well I told him they were just cheap tests and probably wrong anyway not to get excited yet.

All day I thought about those tests! As soon as I got home I grabbed an EPT and took that one. Immediately it turned positive. Well you would think that after 4 positive tests I would have believed it. But nope! I went and bought another pack! Got home and took it and it was positive too then I finally believed it and went nuts! Well I guess you could say I kinda believed it because the next morning I took another one just to make sure! ;)

I guess after trying for so long it was just very hard for me to believe it.
I think Micah was in shock because he didn't really say too much, either that or I was screaming too much to hear him!